
Kabocha Squash Soup

Pretty much exactly like I make Butternut Squash Soup.

Quartered the Kabocha Squash sprinkled with olive oil, S&P, turned over with skin up for 45 mins (depends on Squash size) at 350.  Turn over with flesh up to cool. 

Sautéed shallots until soft
Veggie (or chicken) broth, a box
Add Squash meat (easier to scoop then Butternut)
Curry to taste or whatever seasoning you prefer
1/2 cup of heavy cream if you have it on hand.

Boil for 30 minutes.
Let cool then either use a blender to blend or immersion blender (how I love you).

More Winter Soup!


Our Fav Smoothie

So, so seriously good!
Easy for little helpers too!
1 banana
3 strawberries
1 handful of blueberries
1/2 cup of spinach
1 cup Greek yogurt
4 cubes of ice
1 cup 1% milk, or almond milk (vanilla, yum)
Push the Smoothie button.
Gone in 4 minutes