I use a stainless, lidded, 20-quart stock pot to boil water for my pasta. I bought it at Ross for $10. The thing has held up beautifully. It has a glass top lid with an air pressure hole (see image).
The rule of thumb is to never boil pasta in less then 3 quarts of water to a gallon regardless of how much pasta you are cooking. As well, never use oil in your pasta water - just salt. I generally always crank the heat up on full blast, once the water begins to boil, I throw in a handful of Kosher salt (the only salt I use with the exception of Sea Salt for certain recipes), then reduce the heat to med/high, then add the pasta, stirring gently with tongs. I will stir again a few times during cooking. Depending on the pasta, most will only take 6 - 8 minutes for al dente. At 6 minutes I will pick out a piece, blow on it and give it a taste. =]