The raised redwood beds at my house probably have not been used in many years but were FULL of bulbs of some kind. I transferred all the bulbs to a flower bed and prepped the first of two raised redwood boxes that I will sow in seeds and plant herbs, vegetables and salads.
Here is the start - Tarragon, Oregano, Cilantro, Baby Spinach
Next: Cherry Tomatoes, Garlic, Asparagus, Basil and other herbs
Here is where the bulbs went: Under the Cherry Blossom tree .. lots of shade.
I am a veg-aquarium. On June 18, 2008, after watching a 30 Days episode entitled "Animal Rights" I stopped eating red meat and fowl. I have, although, continued to eat fish. I have compiled some of my favorite recipes for other Pescatarians to share.
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