
Cloth Diaper Laundry Detergent

Now that King is about to be potty trained I find out how easy laundry supplies are to make.  Go figure.  Arm & Hammer Super Washing soda became a staple in our house when I read all the great things you can use it for from removing labels on jars (awesome, since I am a jar hoarder), musty smells from tubs and sinks, cleaning old pots and pans, and on and on.  So it was perfect when I discovered that it is one of the main ingredients in making your own laundry detergents.  Everything you need is right on the laundry detergent  aisle of the larger grocery stores.


For Cloth Diapers

Big batch:

Small batch (above image in jar with red 3):

  • 1 cup Arm & Hammer Washing Soda
  • 1 cup 20 Mule Team Borax
  • 1/2 cup of OxiClean Free or “Baby”
I make the small batches since I have one kiddo in diapers.

I use a funnel and cute jar and pour each item in one at a time.  I also add 12 drops of an essential oil in the jar on top (this batch was sweet orange oil) and mix it all together with a chopstick. I cook a lot with heavy duty chopsticks and have a bag of bamboo sticks that are great!  I usually shake the jar too. :)

1 - 2 Tablespoons per load depending on how badly soiled or size of load.


Hope this helps!


  1. Where do you get your washing soda? I can't seem to find it around here. I usually just make my own, but the powder is so fine that it tends to get everywhere. (I make it by baking some baking soda in a roasting pan at 400° for about an hour, stirring once or twice.)
